What Can I Do?

In the past few weeks I have seen on the news horrible and atrocious stories of racism, death and destruction here in the United States.  I shake my head and wonder out loud, “What is wrong with people?”  “What is happening to us as a nation?” 

I ponder over and over in my head, “What can I do?”  It continues to cause me stress and a deep sadness as I watch fellow beings treating each other with such disrespect and meanness.  I can raise my voice and yell out in protest, I can march and raise my fist and say “No More!”

But, if you are like me, I wonder if the Buddha Dharma has the answer to the question “What can I do?”  Shinran said, “My mind is firmly established in the Buddha Land of the deepest universal aspiration. My heart is embraced in the inconceivable Dharma Ocean.”  When we can abandon the self-centered mind and heart and see the working of Amida Buddha all thoughts of good and bad right and wrong are indiscriminate. 
