The mochi rice is washed and then soaked for 24 hours before steaming.

The mochi rice is washed and then soaked for 24 hours before steaming.

Preparing the red bean an.

Preparing the red bean an.

The rice steaming crew. They start the burners before dawn and steam the rice to the perfect tenderness.

The rice steaming crew. They start the burners before dawn and steam the rice to the perfect tenderness.

The cooked rice is processed through grinders and then shaped with special cutters.

The cooked rice is processed through grinders and then shaped with special cutters.

The mochi shaping crew.

The mochi shaping crew.

The packaging crew.

The packaging crew.

Kagami mochi (kazari mochi) a symbol long life and well-being in the New Year.

Kagami mochi (kazari mochi) a symbol long life and well-being in the New Year.